Sunday, December 31, 2006

Episode 60 - Flower for the New Year

One of my Cattleyas is blooming again.

As you can see from the photo (click on the picture to see larger photo), the shoot in the middle is bearing a new flower bud!

In the previous occasions, each flower shoot would have a flower sheath. The flower buds were invisiable until they grew out of their sheaths. It is strange that the shoot does not have a flower sheath this time.

This is the mother part of the old plant. I separated the plant into 2 pots earlier this year. The other pot is growing well too.

The White Cattleya appears to be bearing a new flower bud as well. I will let you know if my observation is correct.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good show! May be it will flower in time for Chinese new year.